Race Unity Speech Awards shield presentation

Race Unity Speech Awards shield presentation

The national final of the Race Unity Speech Awards was held on 12 May at Te Māhurehure Marae, Auckland. The top award went to Hena Dugh, a year 13 student at Hastings Girls’ High School. The shield was presented in June 2018 at the school in Hawkes Bay, and was a wonderful and uplifting occasion.

Hena’s speech on the theme of ‘Give Nothing to Racism’ quoted from the Shakespearian comedy, The Merchant of Venice, asking “If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you poison us, do we not die?”

Hena’s speech asked all New Zealanders to consider whether we will contribute to racism, or be part of the solution. “Every day a fight is going on inside you. It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. We all have a choice – whether to feed the wolf of compassion, peace and acceptance or the wolf of resentment and racism. So now, I ask you, which wolf will you feed?”

Hena’s speech can be viewed here.

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