Reporting every bicentenary activity

Reporting every bicentenary activity

Excitement is building as the friends in Aotearoa prepare to join with communities around the world to celebrate the bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb.

Please ensure that a record of every bicentenary activity in Aotearoa is captured in a form for reporting bicentenary activities which has been created for the friends to share some simple information. The form should be filled out immediately after each bicentenary activity by the host/organiser. This means, for example, if a family is hosting an evening to show the film Dawn of the Light to friends and neighbours, someone in that family would take responsibility for completing the form immediately after the event. Information from each bicentenary effort will contribute to data collected nationally, which will then be shared with the Universal House of Justice.

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While the form will be used primarily for statistics and learning, the friends will also be able to share stories and images capturing the excitement and joy of the occasions through a dedicated NZ Bicentenary Facebook Page. Friends can also share stories, photos and videos with the National Office for the online newsletter and Archives.

Also use the following hashtags when you post about your events and activities: #nzbahai #TheBab200

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Featured photo: A tree flowers in front of the Shrine of the Báb. Source: Bahá'í Media Bank (copyright © Bahá'í International Community).

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