Aotearoa shares bicentenary statistics with the Supreme Body

Aotearoa shares bicentenary statistics with the Supreme Body

The National Spiritual Assembly was delighted to report to the Universal House of Justice that the number of celebrations held for the bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb was approximately double that for the bicentenary of the Birth of Bahá’u’lláh two years ago.

Dearly loved Supreme Body,

We are honoured to share the participation numbers for the bicentenary celebrations which have taken place in New Zealand.

Celebration activities: 451
Participation by friends of the Faith: 6,687
Participation by Bahá’ís: 5,517
Total participation: 12,204

We have been delighted by the joyful spirit, creativity and diligent efforts shown by the friends in this country.

The numbers we share represent the sum of participation rather than the sum of individuals. However, we are aware that the figures may not represent all of those who attended events, only those that have been reported. In addition to the above figures, there are unnumbered conversations, invitations, social media postings and emails, including those sharing the link to “Dawn of the Light” film, as well as a few newspaper articles and some paid advertisements, and many other ways that friends interacted with the wider society in the lead up to the bicentenary to raise awareness of this special period.

It is interesting to note that the number of celebrations that we are reporting at this time is almost exactly double the number reported for the bicentenary of the Birth of Bahá’u’lláh in 2017. We are grateful to the Blessed Báb and Blessed Beauty for the privilege of being alive at this unique time in history, and the National Assembly commits itself to fostering and building the momentum that has arisen from this period of special potency.

Loving Bahá'í greetings,
National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of New Zealand

Since the above report was sent to the Supreme Body, the friends have continued to submit further reports, so an updated tally will be compiled soon. The bicentenary events reporting form remains open. Any activity organiser who has not yet reported their bicentenary efforts, please take the opportunity, as soon as possible. The link to the online reporting form is:

Please also report any declarations of faith during the bicentenary period. There have been several reported thus far.

Stories, narrative reports, photos and videos may be sent to the National Office by email:

Featured Photo: Refreshments served at a bicentenary tree-planting event in Naenae.

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