Collective effort at Summer Schools

Collective effort at Summer Schools

A letter from the National Spiritual Assembly to all those who contributed to the recent Bahá’í summer schools

Dearly loved Friends,

At a time when the Bahá’í world is learning to respond to the opportunities of this continuing period of special potency and the urgent needs of large-scale growth, we are reassured to observe multitudes of friends eagerly arising with a spirit of service, with pure hearts, and a dedication to learning. So it is that parallel to the process of growth underway throughout all clusters, we are thrilled to see greater numbers taking ownership of the wide sphere of endeavours associated with the summer schools in the North and South Islands. How could it be otherwise if the summer school is to achieve its aims as an educational context for the preparation and training of prospective pioneers and teachers of the Faith?

The examples of services rendered are too numerous and varied to describe here, but the collective effect is too impressive not to give some mention. Scores of Bahá’ís and friends, including youth and newly met friends helped with teaching classes for children and junior youth, building confidence to continue this path of service in their local communities. Many friends assisted by serving in the kitchen, providing security, processing registrations, facilitating workshops, assisting the plenary presentations, overseeing logistics, taking care of the extensive computer technology requirements, sharing artistic expressions, helping with cleaning, attending to medical needs, providing hospitality, taking photographs, organising devotions, encouraging recreational activities, preparing materials, capturing participant reflections, as well as many other vital elements of the schools. For some, this service has entailed great sacrifices with preparations beginning early in the year, and in many cases, the exigencies of the role did not allow participation in other elements of the school.

The harmony of all efforts has helped create environments at the two summer schools “ …increasingly effective in educating the friends so that they in turn may become useful channels for the diffusion of the Divine fragrance.”

We offer our profound gratitude for your services and pray that your ongoing contributions to your local communities and clusters will be confirmed in the cycles ahead.

Loving Bahá’í greetings,
National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of New Zealand

Featured photo: a few of the joyful participants at this year’s Bahá’í summer school in the South Island.

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