
Membership of Regional Bahá’í Councils announced

Membership of Regional Bahá’í Councils announced

The National Spiritual Assembly wrote to the Bahá’ís of Aotearoa New Zealand on 12 November 2020:

Tēnā koutou katoa

The institutions of the Regional Bahá’í Councils are pivotal bodies for leading the Plan processes in Aotearoa New Zealand and supporting the friends to accomplish the goals…

With great joy we announce the appointment of New Zealand’s Regional Bahá’í Councils for Te-Ika-a-Māui (North Island) and Te Waipounamu (South Island) for their new one-year term, which will commence on the Day of the Covenant, 177 B.E. (25 November 2020).

The National Assembly appoints the members of the Councils from a confidential list of nominees, constituted from the outcome of voting by Local Spiritual Assemblies and persons proposed by the members of the Auxiliary Boards within whose areas of responsibility the region lies.

For the North Island Regional Council the following believers are appointed, in alphabetical order: Disee Anorpong, Rizana Imtiaz, Jaimee Lolo, Andrew McNaughton, Nick Moss, Sana Motlagh, Pryanka Nassiry, Saia Tu’itahi, Erica Zemke-Smith.

For the South Island Regional Council the following believers are appointed, in alphabetical order: Sama Faramarzi, Jenny Hindin Miller, Jeff Jain, Lex Macdonald, Onna Tangifolau.

The institutions of the Regional Bahá’í Councils are pivotal bodies for leading the Plan processes in Aotearoa New Zealand and supporting the friends to accomplish the goals—including the systematic advancement of clusters, the movement of pioneers, and the encouragement of friends and institutions to participate in the activities of expansion and consolidation. This year, on the Day of the Covenant, the Bahá’í world enters the centenary year leading up to the 100th anniversary of the commencement of the Formative Age and the passing of the beloved Master. It will undoubtedly be a most unique year in the unfoldment of the Divine Plan, and no doubt the Regional Councils will be a tremendous source of encouragement, as we strive to fulfil the remaining goals of a twenty-five year period, and enter the One Year Plan.

We extend our very warmest wishes to the two newly appointed Regional Bahá’í Councils and assure them of our prayers for blessings and confirmations in all their endeavours during these precious days.

Loving Bahá’í greetings,
National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of New Zealand

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