‘Arising for the Master’ website launches

‘Arising for the Master’ website launches

The website “Arising for the Master”, has been commissioned by the National Spiritual Assembly to encourage and share centenary initiatives, resources, news and ideas. It is also a way for centenary activities to be recorded. The sincere and devoted efforts made in this One Year Plan to be a channel for the spiritual energies released in this period of special potency, will be a fitting tribute to the beloved Master, Whose own tireless service to the advancement of the Cause set such an example for us all.

See: https://sites.google.com/bahai.org.nz/arisingforthemaster/

It has two main sections: Centenary Resources (useful publications, videos and other media) and Centenary Projects (endeavours by communities and individuals).

Contributions invited

The website is intended to gather together contributions from throughout Aotearoa, and the friends’ input is warmly invited. There is already some useful material on the site, and everyone is encouraged to look at the Ideas page for some creative examples.

See: https://sites.google.com/bahai.org.nz/arisingforthemaster/centenary-projects/ideas

The Ideas page is part of the Centenary Projects section, and it is this section that primarily serves as a space for contributions from the community. In addition to the Ideas page, this section includes pages for Planned Events, Arts Examples, Media Examples, and Activity Reporting. At present these pages are minimally populated and input from the friends is needed to bring them alive.

Please feel free to send in any ideas, initiatives, photos, songs, and videos that have been created for the centennial year, through your Assembly or directly to the National Office by email: nationaloffice@bahai.org.nz. Another way to make submissions is by using the forms on the website itself.

Resources offered

The major section titled Centenary Resources brings together relevant resources. The Booklets page offers publications commissioned by the National Assembly. Web Pages provides links to some high quality sources of historical information and reflections. The Audio Visual page contains a collection of films and talks about ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. The two films currently being produced by the Bahá’í World Centre will be posted here once they are released. The fourth page, Conversation Craft, shares insights about meaningful conversations.

Reporting all Centenary activities

It is especially important to emphasise the value of providing reports of activities after they happen. Such reports will help to build a picture of experiences and potential learning for our future efforts to reach out to wider society, and statistics gleaned from the reports will help to measure our success in reaching the national goal of meaningful engagements by 30,000 individuals in relation to the Centenary. Stories from the reports may be collated for articles in “Bahá’í Aotearoa” (with permission from submitter). Please refer to the Activity Reporting page:


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