Bicentenary talking points — Bahá'í Aotearoa
Bicentenary talking points

Bicentenary talking points

Many bicentenary activities are now underway, and many more are yet to occur. If you have not already done so, you may wish to consider the information that might be helpful to articulate at your bicentenary gathering. The October 2019 message from the Universal House of Justice will be particularly useful to review when preparing the points and concepts that might be shared in your bicentenary activities. You might also choose to integrate some points that are emphasised in the Dawn of the Light film.

Of course, the nature of each gathering will differ. Some gatherings will include a presentation, perhaps delivered by an individual, a team or collaborative presentation from friends involved in a community-building activity. In other contexts, it might be the plan for important concepts to be conveyed during informal conversations. Above all, these are celebrations to enjoy with a wide range of other souls.

The resources mentioned above are not only beautiful to share widely with others, they are also very helpful to prepare you to explain the following points, as they provide a context in which to consider the missions of the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh and the implications of Their appearance for humanity today. The film and message examine themes and ideas that help you to answer the following questions

  • What is this Holy Day and what is it about?

  • Who are the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh?

  • What Message did They bring?

  • Why it is urgent for humanity to begin applying these teachings?

  • How growing numbers throughout New Zealand and the local community are learning to apply these teachings, and how everyone here can take part

Immediately after each bicentenary celebration, please be sure your celebration is counted among national and global celebrations. Simply use the bicentenary report form or call 09 522 4123.

Featured photo: If you would like to download the Bicentenary/Rua Rau Tau logo, click this button:

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