Help keep the flame burning bright!

Help keep the flame burning bright!

Every individual’s participation in their unit convention on Sunday 16 February 2020 adds to the strength of the Bahá’í community. We all shoulder the responsibility to build the Administrative Order of Bahá’u’lláh.

The institutions of the Faith are in a much stronger position if they receive the firm backing of all the believers. Participating in unit convention demonstrates commitment to keeping the flame of the Bahá’í Administration burning bright. It is an act of support for the vital functions which keep the institutions of the Cause growing. Every voter adds another precious voice to the chorus which energises the National Spiritual Assembly’s efforts.

The National Spiritual Assembly is “the pivot round which revolve the activities of the believers” in a country, wrote Shoghi Effendi. It’s this pivot that enables us to act coherently together, inspired by our love for Bahá’u’lláh.

Let’s remember that by building up the Administrative Order we are building a model of profound democracy, unheard of in the past.

On a higher level, the same pattern connects us with the Universal House of Justice, and our co-believers throughout the world. The Administrative Order is an outstanding feature of the Faith, made all the more significant by the absence of clergy. Having no clergy to lead us, every believer has equal responsibility for taking initiative — has equal potential to make a meaningful difference.

Bahá’ís must remember the uniqueness of the Bahá’í administrative system, and that it can never be taken for granted. Let’s remember that by building up the Administrative Order we are building a model of profound democracy, unheard of in the past. The model invites every individual to be a thoughtful, creative actor in shaping what happens for the common good.

The Bahá’í election process liberates voters from the pressures of campaign messages (that characterise civil elections), and lets them choose freely and prayerfully according to conscience.

What could be more exciting than helping to build a social structure infused with spirit!

Besides serving as well-informed, prayerful electors, at unit convention we also have the opportunity to consult and offer recommendations to the National Assembly. Unit convention consultations provide a forum where our suggestions can boost the national community’s progress.

Recommendations developed from consultation inform the National Assembly of realities on the ground. And they supply the National Assembly with invaluable creative ideas.

What could be more exciting than helping to build a social structure infused with spirit?! And how can any community be strong without faithful attention to the fundamental requirements of its functioning by all its members?

Through passion for the well-being of humanity we can make unit convention a wonderfully joyful occasion! Please assist in making it so by preparing well, casting your vote earnestly, and bringing your radiant presence to the event!

  • For the location, date and other details of unit conventions throughout the country, click the button below.

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