Multi-faith prayer week in lead-up to bicentenary

Multi-faith prayer week in lead-up to bicentenary

Two weeks before the Bahá’í community celebrates the Twin Holy Birthdays this year, various religious communities will celebrate the Week of Prayer for World Peace. This offers an opportunity for Bahá’ís not only to pray for peace alongside fellow citizens, but also to raise consciousness amongst others of the bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb.

Sample page of leaflet for the Week of Prayer for World Peace, with prayers, readings and affirmations from many faiths to use each day.

Sample page of leaflet for the Week of Prayer for World Peace, with prayers, readings and affirmations from many faiths to use each day.

The Week of Prayer for World Peace will be observed in New Zealand between 13th and 20th October this year.

A leaflet has been produced by the New Zealand organising committee with prayers, readings and affirmations from many faiths to use each day. The theme of the leaflet is developed for worldwide distribution by the Week of Prayer for World Peace multi-faith committee based in Great Britain.

Religious communities and interfaith groups throughout New Zealand are encouraged to celebrate the Week both in their own observances and together with people of different faiths.

Leaflets may be ordered by sending a cheque made out to WPWP to: Week of Prayer for World Peace, 161 Seatoun Heights Road, Wellington 6022. Please provide: your address; number of leaflets and cost; and donation to support the Week.

Or email your order to and pay by internet banking to: WPWP 06-0561-0072821-000

The cost of the leaflets is: 100 for $42; 50 for $26; 20 for $12.50; 10 for $7.50; 1 for $2.00 (all prices include postage and packing). For other quantities use price for next lower quantity e.g. for 70, use price for 50 (0.52 per unit) = $36.40.

Register Now: New Zealand Bahá’í Summer Schools, 176 B.E.

Register Now: New Zealand Bahá’í Summer Schools, 176 B.E.

E Te Uri O Te Puehu!

E Te Uri O Te Puehu!