Extraordinary measures for extraordinary times

Extraordinary measures for extraordinary times

24 March 2020
5 Bahá 177

To all the friends in Aotearoa

Dearly loved friends,

Nga mihi nui kia koutou katoa

The radiance of your spirit that shines out from you when there is such darkness descending elsewhere will signal to those with whom you are in contact that the spirit of man is above and beyond all earthly limitations.

As the country moves into an unprecedented situation, we write to you concerning practical and spiritual measures that we need to take together in order to strengthen Bahá’í community life in the face of current challenges.

Last week, the National Spiritual Assembly took the unusual step of cancelling the National Convention, and implemented the means for delegates to elect the National Spiritual Assembly by an alternative method. This week, it has become apparent that to hold elections of the Local Spiritual Assemblies will not be possible under present circumstances. The National Assembly has therefore decided to implement the Universal House of Justice’s emergency permission to allow the current membership of Local Assemblies to continue for another year. There will therefore be no local elections at the coming Ridván, and Local Assemblies no longer need to take measures to implement the balloting process. The expected trajectory of the pandemic in New Zealand has suggested that disruptions to normal life may continue for several months, even if the Level 4 alert that was activated by the Prime Minister to commence at 11.59 p.m. tomorrow (Wednesday 25th) recedes from time to time to lower alert levels over coming months.

Friends must closely follow and abide by the instructions given by the Government on its specific website and other official communications. For your convenient reference, the website for the government’s COVID-19 Coronavirus information is covid19.govt.nz . It is imperative that we as Bahá’ís are obedient to the government in this regard, as it has life and death consequences for many people.

The higher alert level has resulted in the physical closing of the National Office. Please be assured, however, that the staff remain committed to serving the community and are working from home. While for the time being it is not possible to print and dispatch institute materials, the Facilitator for the Distribution System of the Ruhi Institute has confirmed that a technical solution is currently in progress that will enable individual items to be made available as necessary to participants in online discussion groups, and it should be ready in the coming days. You will learn more about this when the web-based application becomes available.

Utilisation of the online and telecommunication spaces, for example using Zoom, WhatsApp, Face Time and so forth, can be employed as measures to ensure that the devotional character and educational needs of individuals and families are attended to in an online context. This may involve arranging families into small online groups which establish a rhythm of interactions for prayer, study of the Institute material and guidance of the Universal House of Justice, and elevated discussion, as well as for nineteen day Feasts and Holy day commemorations.

Friends will want to study closely the Naw Rúz message from the Universal House of Justice to the Bahá’ís of the World that was sent to everyone by email last week. This will bring comfort and confidence during this period. You will also take heart from the example of friends in Italy, as shared in a recent Bahá’í World News Service story, https://news.bahai.org/story/1401/, which highlights the importance of viewing the current situation in a positive light, and of using every opportunity to apply the Teachings as a way to lessen the anxieties that our fellow human beings are currently experiencing. “In a time when many parts of the world are grappling with the global coronavirus disease (COVID-19) crisis, Bahá’ís in some of the most affected areas are finding ways to be of service to their societies. Years of experience with community-building activities have equipped them to respond with creativity and resourcefulness to the current circumstances. In Italy, where preventive measures have now confined most people to their homes, communities continue activities that bring hope. Many such initiatives have temporarily moved online, with people holding video conference calls to provide support to one another, to pray together, and to advance the educational endeavours of the Bahá’í community that build bonds of friendship and capacity for service to society.”

The National Assembly intends to send more frequent communications directly to believers during this crisis period, as a way for us all to remain connected. We assure you of our heartfelt hopes for your safety and comfort, for your sense of purpose and positivity, and that you may find constructive ways to continue to serve your fellow human beings, whether they be family, neighbours, colleagues, friends or strangers.

The radiance of your spirit that shines out from you when there is such darkness descending elsewhere will signal to those with whom you are in contact that the spirit of man is above and beyond all earthly limitations.

[Signed: National Spiritual Assembly]

Naw-Rúz Message from the Universal House of Justice

Naw-Rúz Message from the Universal House of Justice

Bringing material and spiritual into harmony

Bringing material and spiritual into harmony