South Island has two brand new Local Spiritual Assemblies

South Island has two brand new Local Spiritual Assemblies

Feature photo: children making colourful notices for the first Local Spiritual Assembly election in Queenstown-Lakes District.

At Ridván this year, the Bahá’í communities of Queenstown-Lakes District and Buller District established Local Spiritual Assemblies for the first time. This is a considerable achievement for the South Island, boosting the number of its Spiritual Assemblies by 20%. Small bands of believers had been living in these areas for some time, and were recently joined by fresh pioneers, enabling this notable achievement. Also, we are very happy to announce that the Spiritual Assembly of Kapiti Coast District was able to re-form, after an interval of some years. Warmest congratulations are offered to these communities.

Buller is one of three communities in West Coast cluster, comprised mostly of an older Bahá’í population, but last year Buller’s strength was boosted by the arrival of a young family. Another pioneer family who settled earlier in Reefton have been instrumental in Buller’s community-building processes, as well as running a successful “community kitchen” as a social action project. During the past year the friends of West Coast cluster have sustained eleven core activities, including seven devotional meetings and four study circles, engaging both Bahá’ís and a number of friends of the Faith. The children have also participated in spiritual educational activities, with a special focus on ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in this centenary year.

In Queenstown, children took a special part in the election preparations. On 29 March, the community’s children's class gathered to learn about the significance of the occasion and to decorate personalised election packets for each of the adult friends in the community. On 2 April, the children traveled around to hand deliver the packets to the friends at their homes. It was a rainy and windy day, but as they arrived at the first stop, they were greeted by an enormous double rainbow stretching across the sky.

“These Spiritual Assemblies are aided by the Spirit of God. Their defender is 'Abdu'l-Bahá. Over them He spreadeth His wings. What bounty is there greater than this? These Spiritual Assemblies are shining lamps and heavenly gardens, from which the fragrances of holiness are diffused over all regions, and the lights of knowledge are shed abroad over all created things. From them the spirit of life streameth in every direction. They, indeed, are the potent sources of the progress of man, at all times and under all conditions.”

Abdu'l-Bahá, Selections from the Writings of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, p80

Sadly, two communities were unable to maintain their Assemblies this year; namely Horowhenua and Matamata-Piako. These communities aim to rebuild their strength in order to re-establish their Assemblies as soon as possible.

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