Summer school promises a lively learning experience

Summer school promises a lively learning experience

In a letter to Local Spiritual Assemblies, the National Spiritual Assembly writes*:

We are glad to share with you that preparations are forging ahead for the second decentralised national summer school in Aotearoa, with plans building on some of the successful features of last year’s experience, while addressing some of the issues that were also identified.

The National Spiritual Assembly is excited to see how the Bahá’í community of Aotearoa will further embrace and develop the concept of a “decentralised summer school”.

Dates and format

The dates for the summer school period nationwide are 27, 28, 29, 30 December and pre-recorded plenary presentations and workshop materials will be provided for use throughout the country during that four-day period. These will be made available widely prior to the summer school, rather than being streamed “live”, thereby enabling friends to download the videos before their local events, avoiding internet connectivity problems on the day.

‘Decentralised summer school’

The National Spiritual Assembly is excited to see how the Bahá’í community of Aotearoa will further embrace and develop the concept of a “decentralised summer school”. It anticipates gatherings of varying sizes in all regions, including groups of families, local communities, and clusters. Nationally produced content will support the local programmes, and those holding gatherings can develop some of their own content as well. There is no prescription about the size of the gathering, and friends are free to start planning, bearing in mind that the pandemic circumstances may make smaller gatherings in localised areas a more realistic option than planning anything too elaborate and large, because last minute cancellations remain a very real possibility. The grassroots is also where it is most viable for the summer school to contribute in a meaningful way to community-building activities in every locality.

A team has been appointed to prepare resources and programmes for the particular needs of children and junior youth. There is also thought being given to some specifically youth-focused topics. The aim of all our combined efforts, whether nationally, regionally, or locally is to channel the wonderful opportunity that summer school offers for learning together and generating endeavours for the mission of the Cause.

Themes of the programme

The adult and youth programme will focus on the implications of the closing words in the 2021 Ridván message of the Universal House of Justice: “The Divine Plan enters a new epoch and a new stage. The page is turned.” We enclose an attachment [see button below] which outlines the themes of the four-day summer school period. The talks given on video will be supplemented by workshop materials that can be used locally for further exploration of the themes through study and discussion on relevant quotations.

Whether the decentralised format will continue in future years cannot be predicted, as it will depend on the circumstances at the time, as well as the National Assembly’s future understanding of the evolving needs of the community.

The National Assembly eagerly looks forward to the involvement of the friends — as they contribute to and benefit from an occasion that generates unity, expands understanding, and deepens the community’s commitment to its sacred goals.

* This article reproduces the text of a letter from the National Spiritual Assembly to all Local Spiritual Assemblies and Bahá’í groups on 20 August 2021.

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