Announcement regarding property developments

Announcement regarding property developments

In a letter to Local Spiritual Assemblies, the National Spiritual Assembly writes*:

The National Spiritual Assembly is delighted to share with you the news of two important steps that have recently been taken regarding the property resources of the Faith in Aotearoa. These advancements will support the expansion and consolidation of the Faith nationally, and pave the way for further growth and progress in the future.

Both steps involve the national property in Henderson Valley, Auckland. The first is the purchase of a property adjoining the national Temple site; and the second is that construction work has commenced on the residential education and training facility. The funding of these significant investments in our collective spiritual mission will be sure to engender an outpouring of generosity from the dear friends and the National Assembly encourages individuals and communities to consider ways and means of contributing their portion.

While a more comprehensive report to the community is being prepared for release in the near future, including financial information, here are some important details:

  • The extensive renovation project involves the existing building which formerly served as the National Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds, and will provide a much needed residential education facility. The surroundings will be landscaped while preserving the natural environment.

  • The adjoining property that has been purchased has strategic value for the Faith, safeguarding the interests of the Faith when the time comes to build a House of Worship and its auxiliaries.

We trust that this announcement brings joy to the community, showing evidence of the Faith’s resolute progress in contrast to the uncertain circumstances in the world. The National Assembly is deeply and humbly grateful for the love and generous support from your devoted hearts.

* This article reproduces the text of a letter from the National Spiritual Assembly to all Local Spiritual Assemblies and Bahá’í groups on 12 August 2021.

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