A  sample of summer school joys and learnings

A sample of summer school joys and learnings

Friends around the country who organised summer school gatherings are warmly congratulated for their efforts. As a glimpse of what transpired, we publish here, brief descriptions of a few of the gatherings, and video slideshows that were posted on the summer school website during that period.

We anticipate publishing a gallery of photographs next week, along with further reports that may be received. Gathering organisers are warmly encouraged to submit reports via the form on this page: https://summerschool.bahai.org.nz/feedback/

South Island

In this second year of decentralised summer schools, the South Island introduced the approach of organising a few sub-regional gatherings, rather than leaving things entirely to local initiative.

In Reefton, a total of about 20 friends were in attendance. Children planted fruit trees commemorating the Centenary of the passing of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá as a service to humanity. Arts activities captivated the children, parents and youth and resulted in beautiful expressions of faith and community.

In Dunedin and Christchurch alike, intrepid friends arranged the logistics of the summer schools themselves and gathered together at both their Bahá’í Centres for fellowship and learning.

Friends gathered one day in Queenstown and were joined by our beloved Auxiliary Board member Mosi Pesa and his family, as well as members of the North and South Island Regional Bahá’í Councils and the Regional Institute Board. Friends and neighbours joined in a festive and atmospheric evening which was punctuated by stories of the Holy Land and the Centenary of the passing of the Master shared by Mrs Onna Tangifolau, one of New Zealand’s representatives at that occasion.

Diverse gathering at Waihi Academy

The featured photo for this page shows an activity at the Waihi gathering.

Friends primarily from a couple of Auckland sectors gathered at the Waihi Academy for summer school. A total of 53 friends participated including nine children and seven youth.

A beautiful atmosphere was created with morning and evening devotionals filled with song and prayers, programmes and consultation for adults, classes for children and junior youth followed by afternoon activities like going to Waihi beach, dancing and crafts.

Evening programmes included a movie night (Disney’s Encanto) a thrilling quiz night and an evening of story-telling. Bonds of friendship were also formed during communal vegetarian meals served by the amazing facility at Waihi Academy or while strolling in the neighbouring lavender fields or playing games in the dormitories.

The diverse group learned first-hand about the power of community building with the highlight coming from the mother of one family that had only heard of the Bahá’í faith a couple of days prior to the summer school, who said that she felt like she had found her family here, her true brothers and sisters.

Photo slideshows

Tips: to watch the videos below without leaving the page, avoid clicking the “Watch on Youtube” button at the bottom left of the video title screen. Instead, click the white arrow button in the centre of the screen. After the video starts, you will see that “Pause” or “Play” buttons appear at the bottom left. Once you have played to the end, a “Replay” button appears in the same bottom left position.

Newly released: a wealth of video resources

Newly released: a wealth of video resources

Invitation to partake in summer school’s bounties

Invitation to partake in summer school’s bounties