The Herald of a New Dawn

The Herald of a New Dawn

On the evening of May 22, 1844, in the quiet city of Shiraz, Persia, a young merchant named Siyyid `Alí Muḥammad-i-Shírází made a profound proclamation that would forever alter the spiritual landscape of the world, declaring himself to be the Báb, the herald of a new divine messenger. In recognition of this momentous event, Bahá'ís around the globe honour this sacred day with joyous gatherings, prayerful devotion, and community celebrations, honouring the profound significance of the Báb's declaration.

This year, the Declaration of the Báb is observed from sunset on the 22nd of May, through to sunset on the 23rd of May. It is one of the nine Holy Days in the Bahá'í calendar when Bahá'ís are exempt from work and school, allowing us to fully dedicate the Holy Day to joyful spiritual reflection and fellowship.

Excerpt from ‘God Passes By’ written by the Beloved Guardian

The House of the Báb, where the Báb declared His mission on 23 May 1844 in Shíráz, Iran, before its destruction in 1979

“The opening scene of the initial act of this great drama was laid in the upper chamber of the modest residence of the son of a mercer of Shíráz, in an obscure corner of that city. The time was the hour before sunset, on the 22nd day of May, 1844. The participants were the Báb, a twenty-five year old siyyid, of pure and holy lineage, and the young Mullá Ḥusayn, the first to believe in Him. Their meeting immediately before that interview seemed to be purely fortuitous. The interview itself was protracted till the hour of dawn. The Host remained closeted alone with His guest, nor was the sleeping city remotely aware of the import of the conversation they held with each other. No record has passed to posterity of that unique night save the fragmentary but highly illuminating account that fell from the lips of Mullá Ḥusayn.

“I sat spellbound by His utterance, oblivious of time and of those who awaited me,” he himself has testified, after describing the nature of the questions he had put to his Host and the conclusive replies he had received from Him, replies which had established beyond the shadow of a doubt the validity of His claim to be the promised Qá’im. “Suddenly the call of the Mu’adhdhin, summoning the faithful to their morning prayer, awakened me from the state of ecstasy into which I seemed to have fallen. All the delights, all the ineffable glories, which the Almighty has recounted in His Book as the priceless possessions of the people of Paradise— these I seemed to be experiencing that night. Methinks I was in a place of which it could be truly said: ‘Therein no toil shall reach us, and therein no weariness shall touch us;’ ‘no vain discourse shall they hear therein, nor any falsehood, but only the cry, “Peace! Peace!”’; ‘their cry therein shall be, “Glory be to Thee, O God!” and their salutation therein, “Peace!”, and the close of their cry, “Praise be to God, Lord of all creatures!”’ Sleep had departed from me that night. I was enthralled by the music of that voice which rose and fell as He chanted; now swelling forth as He revealed verses of the Qayyúmu’l-Asmá’, again acquiring ethereal, subtle harmonies as He uttered the prayers He was revealing. At the end of each invocation, He would repeat this verse: ‘Far from the glory of thy Lord, the All-Glorious, be that which His creatures affirm of Him! And peace be upon His Messengers! And praise be to God, the Lord of all beings!’”

“This Revelation,” Mullá Ḥusayn has further testified, “so suddenly and impetuously thrust upon me, came as a thunderbolt which, for a time, seemed to have benumbed my faculties. I was blinded by its dazzling splendor and overwhelmed by its crushing force. Excitement, joy, awe, and wonder stirred the depths of my soul. Predominant among these emotions was a sense of gladness and strength which seemed to have transfigured me. How feeble and impotent, how dejected and timid, I had felt previously! Then I could neither write nor walk, so tremulous were my hands and feet. Now, however, the knowledge of His Revelation had galvanized my being. I felt possessed of such courage and power that were the world, all its peoples and its potentates, to rise against me, I would, alone and undaunted, withstand their onslaught. The universe seemed but a handful of dust in my grasp. I seemed to be the voice of Gabriel personified, calling unto all mankind: ‘Awake, for, lo! the morning Light has broken. Arise, for His Cause is made manifest. The portal of His grace is open wide; enter therein, O peoples of the world! For He Who is your promised One is come!’”

Excerpt from the 2019 message from the Universal House of Justice

The Universal House of Justice issued a message, to the Bahá'ís of the world in 2019, to mark the Bicentenary of the Báb’s birth, an excerpt with reference to the Báb’s declaration is shared here, while a pdf of the message in its entirety can be downloaded at the button provided.

”The moment of His appearance, like the appearance of all such Figures, precipitated the release of powerful spiritual forces—but there was no accompanying spectacle. There was instead a late evening conversation, in a modest Persian dwelling, between a student of religion and his youthful Host, during which that Host revealed that He was the Promised One, the divine Educator His guest had been seeking. “Observe attentively,” He remarked, “Might not the Person intended … be none other than I?” It is this Youth, the Báb, that we acclaim as the One Whose coming—after an interval of a thousand years—shed the light of divine guidance once again upon the human world.”

Some other resources

Further details of Shoghi Effendi’s account of the Declaration of the Báb can be found in God Passes By.

“The Tablet of the Bell” can be found in the book Days of Remembrance.

A succinct summary of the life of the Báb is published on the official website of the worldwide Bahá'í community. See The Life of the Báb.

Featured photo: Detail of the arches in the room that the Báb declared. Source of photos: Bahá'í Media Bank (copyright © Bahá'í International Community).

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