The Universal House of Justice responds to the message from the National Convention

The Universal House of Justice responds to the message from the National Convention


Transmitted by email

TO: The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of New Zealand

DATE: 19 May 2024


We were heartened to receive the message from the delegates attending your National Convention. The rich insights gleaned from the consultations reflect the depth of learning achieved in the community-building efforts across your diverse nation. We are particularly grateful for the pivotal, inspiring role that the youth are playing at the vanguard of the Plan in New Zealand and the commitment of the community in supporting them in their service. It is our cherished desire to see the dear friends in your country inviting ever-greater numbers of receptive souls to drink their fill from the ocean of Bahá’u’lláh’s Revelation. As they advance collectively, we will offer prayers at the Sacred Threshold that their efforts may be showered with divine confirmations.

The Universal House of Justice

cc: International Teaching Centre; Board of Counsellors in Australasia; Counsellor Tessa Scrine 


The National Spiritual Assembly shared the inspiring message from the Universal House of Justice with all communities on 24 May with the following cover email:

Dearly loved friends,

We received with great joy the message from the beloved Supreme Institution, and the National Spiritual Assembly members immediately gathered to read and consider its contents, identifying four very significant themes that have implications for the lives and service of all the friends, young and old. The National Spiritual Assembly gives loving encouragement to all friends to study this message, especially if done in combination with the Riḍván message, and preferably in the company of others for a deep exploration together. The following button takes you to the message that was sent from the New Zealand National Convention, to which the House of Justice’s message is a response.


National Spiritual Assembly

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