Renovations at the Shrine of the Báb

Renovations at the Shrine of the Báb

The Universal House of Justice has announced the closure of the Shrine of the Báb (which also presently houses the Shrine of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá) until 28 October for significant renovations inside and in the immediate surroundings. The details of this work to enhance accessibility and beauty are contained in the message of the Supreme Body. The National Assembly has been asked to share this important notice with the Bahá'í community in Aotearoa.


26 July 2024

To all National Spiritual Assemblies

Dearly loved Friends,

We are pleased to inform you of some significant construction and renovation work that will be undertaken this summer in the Shrine of the Báb and its surrounds. The Shrines of the Báb and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá are now closed and will reopen by 28 October. During this time, the main terracotta path to the Shrine of the Báb will be paved so as to make it more accessible to pilgrims and visitors who find it physically challenging to walk from the Haifa Pilgrim House to the Shrine. The approaches to the Shrine from both the east and the west will be paved with Jerusalem Red Limestone, which was used to pave the current accessible path. In addition, the plaza immediately in front of the Shrine of the Báb will be paved in stone as envisaged in the original design by the Hand of the Cause of God William Sutherland Maxwell; the same Galil Gold Limestone that was chosen for the floor of the Shrine’s colonnade and for the Terraces will be used. Necessary adjustments will also be made to the layout of the surrounding gardens.

Meanwhile, the opportunity will be taken to carry out some preparatory work inside the Shrine so that, in due course, all rooms can be dedicated to prayer and worship as part of the single Shrine of the Báb. This work will involve the creation of new door openings in the interior walls. Kindly share this information with the members of your community.

The Universal House of Justice

Feature photo - The Shrine of the Báb

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