ISGP announces 2025 seminars

ISGP announces 2025 seminars

The Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity shares this announcement with the community in Aotearoa.

We are happy to announce that the next offering of the seminars for Bahá’í university students in Aotearoa New Zealand will be held from 29 January to 8 February 2025 at Te Whare Akoranga Bahá’í in Auckland.

The seminars for university students, offered by the Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity (ISGP) in collaboration with the institutions of the Faith, are a four-year programme. Once a year, before the new tertiary year begins, students come together in an atmosphere that is at once serious and joyful, educative and uplifting, disciplined and dynamic. They have the opportunity to learn from their peers, to share their struggles and concerns, and to build and strengthen bonds of unity and friendship that help nourish and recharge their spirit each year.

The Year 4 students sharing their insights with the Year 1 group

The seminars for university students enable young Bahá’ís—during the formative years of their lives when they are making choices related to their service, study, family, and profession—to come together and become “better acquainted with a Bahá’í perspective on issues relevant to the progress of humanity” (Universal House of Justice, 30 December 2021). Experience across the world has shown that the seminars are serving to unlock the potential of young adults by developing their capacity to engage in their university studies, to respond to the unique challenges and opportunities they encounter in university environments, and to think more profoundly about the implications of the Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh for every aspect of their lives and their service.

Field trip visit to the Fred Hollows Foundation

These seminars are for Bahá’í youth who will be starting tertiary study in 2025 or are already engaged in study. Participation in the full 11 days of the seminar is a requirement in order to maintain the focused atmosphere, so participants and their families are asked to consult and make arrangements in advance to ensure that they can be present for the entire seminar.

Creative representation of themes from the seminar materials

Below are some reflections from youth who took part in the 2024 seminars:

“ISGP will confirm and answer the questions you have in relation to our true purpose as Bahá’ís and how it is possible to achieve coherence in this life.”

“[ISGP] fills my heart with the desire to serve at a higher capacity.”

“This seminar helped me consider the steps that need to be taken if we wish to improve our societies and communities. I have gained a deeper understanding of the connection between science and religion, and how both can work to further our civilization, materially and spiritually.”

“The seminar gives clarity on your world views and conviction of the world, helps you re-evaluate your perspective and how that aligns with the Bahá’í view, especially if you’re feeling confused, lost or questioning things. I personally felt very welcome and safe in an environment conducive for my own growth and that of others. It has been so special to be able to grow with a group of people and see how we support and progress together.”

“I think the community and family aspect helps this seminar; not only is the content interesting, but there is so much love in this environment which really elevates the seminar.”

Featured Photo: Years 1 – 4 gathered outside Te Whare Akoranga Bahá’í

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