Glimpses of summer school 2024/25
This summer, communities across Aotearoa gathered for joyful learning, connection, and inspiration on the theme of ‘True practitioners of peace’.
Below are group photos captured from each of the summer schools hosted by the Spiritual Assemblies of Whangārei, Auckland, Hamilton, Hastings, Christchurch and a small group initiative that took place in Nelson. Along with these, is a selection of photos taken during Te Kura Raumati, held in Northcote, Auckland.
Images can be made larger using right-mouse click and selecting ‘Magnify image’.
Te Kura Raumati - Northcote
The above selection of photos was taken during Te Kura Raumati, which was held at Te Kamaka marae, Northcote, from 27 to 30 December 2024.