The House of Justice hopes the spiritual energy generated by Convention will find expression in the endeavours of friends throughout Aotearoa.
The House of Justice hopes the spiritual energy generated by Convention will find expression in the endeavours of friends throughout Aotearoa.
Two new releases from the Bahá’í World Centre add to the depth of resources available for reflecting on the life and wisdom of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in this centenary year.
A further progress report on the construction of the Shrine of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá shows the project persistently advancing towards completion.
Those who enjoy listening to talks on Bahá’í themes — including talks given at several summer schools — will find a fascinating collection on the “Deepening Talks NZ” website.
The Annual Report for 177 B.E. offers a sense of recent achievements as the triumphal conclusion of years of exertions, and of the rich possibilities that the next series of Plans portend.
Wairarapa’s passage past the second milestone is sure to be the first of many victories in the North Island during this year of special potency.
A selection of featured books from the Bahá’í Distribution Service focusing on Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.
For the first time in this part of the world, a Local Spiritual Assembly was elected in two stages. This historic milestone was undertaken with dignity and joy.
Two South Island communities forge ahead, leading to the establishment of new Local Spiritual Assemblies.
In an atmosphere of loving unity, with hearts ablaze with a sense of mission, and with joyful and productive engagement, the 64th National Convention of Aotearoa New Zealand took place over the three-day 2021 ANZAC weekend.
At this Ridván period - the “King of Festivals”, the “Festival of God” - we share with you a Tablet revealed by Bahá’u’lláh for this time of “Supreme Felicity”, and wish you all a joyous Ridván.
“That haven of immeasurable sanctity and immensely significant history for all peoples, the House of ‘Abbúd … has now been restored to a standard that aims at preserving the building in a befitting condition for centuries to come.”
Graduates and young professionals are invited to reflect on “discourse and transformation” at Yerrinbool, near Sydney, this summer in the Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity graduate seminar.
Baha’i World News Service brings us up to date in a pictorial report of latest developments in construction work for the Shrine.
The Regional Institute Board for the North Island is offering a “fitting way to honour the Beloved Master and Centre of the Covenant and deepen our love and understanding of what He achieved and set in motion.”
A message of the Supreme Institution “To the friends of God in the sacred land of Iran” extolling the “devoted undertakings of the community of the valiant followers of the Ancient Beauty…”
This year’s National Convention (assuming it is able to go ahead) will not be open to the generality of believers.
A letter on behalf of the Universal House of Justice announces: "These new translations have been prepared by the Research Department at the request of the House of Justice to mark the forthcoming commemoration of the centenary of the Master’s passing."
On 11 April the process will begin for New Zealand’s first two-stage election of a Local Spiritual Assembly, when Auckland community holds nine electoral unit gatherings to elect delegates who will go on to elect the Local Spiritual Assembly of Auckland.
Within three cycles of starting a programme of growth, Eastern Bay of Plenty reached the second milestone - that of having an intensive programme of growth.