Announcing a new addition to resources for reflection on the life of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and engaging with others about His legacy.
All in National Assembly
Announcing a new addition to resources for reflection on the life of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and engaging with others about His legacy.
The National Spiritual Assembly sets out goals, spiritual aspirations and resources for the One Year Plan and the centenary of the Master’s passing.
The Annual Report for 177 B.E. offers a sense of recent achievements as the triumphal conclusion of years of exertions, and of the rich possibilities that the next series of Plans portend.
In an atmosphere of loving unity, with hearts ablaze with a sense of mission, and with joyful and productive engagement, the 64th National Convention of Aotearoa New Zealand took place over the three-day 2021 ANZAC weekend.
This year’s National Convention (assuming it is able to go ahead) will not be open to the generality of believers.
On 11 April the process will begin for New Zealand’s first two-stage election of a Local Spiritual Assembly, when Auckland community holds nine electoral unit gatherings to elect delegates who will go on to elect the Local Spiritual Assembly of Auckland.
Two letters, one from the Universal House of Justice, and one from the National Assembly, focus on the gifts we can offer in these historic moments relating to the centenary commemorations for ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and the close of the first century of the Formative Age of the Faith.
The dynamic spirit seen in the recent unit conventions reflects the community’s ability to draw on the power of unity.
Regional Board of Trustees of Ḥuqúqu’lláh for Polynesia commenced its five-year term on 1 December 2020
The Supreme Institution has decided that the advancements in Auckland and the large number of friends warrant the introduction of two-stage elections for its Local Spiritual Assembly.
All you need to know for making the most of this year’s innovative summer school experience.
Canterbury is the first cluster in the region and only the second in the country to make this significant transition.
New Zealand’s Regional Bahá'í Councils for Te-Ika-a-Māui (North Island) and Te Waipounamu (South Island) are appointed for their new one-year term.
The friends are encouraged to draw inspiration and insight from a new compilation being circulated by the Institution of the Counsellors.
Aotearoa will have an online summer school this year instead of the usual two summer schools. The friends are warmly invited to help make the new format an outstanding success.
The National Spiritual Assembly calls for a national prayer campaign for the month of Kamál.
This article offers a précis of the National Spiritual Assembly’s Annual Report for 176 B.E., which is available to the friends on request.
Officers of the National Spiritual Assembly were elected at the first meeting of the National Assembly.
Results are announced here of the election of the National Spiritual Assembly for 177 B.E., and the National Assembly requests the prayers of the friends as it enters its new term of service.
The National Spiritual Assembly shares encouragement and information, including news of inspiring summer school talks just released on video.